Mapping Solitary Confinement
Mapping Solitary Confinement Report
About Sharon Shalev
Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement
Supermax Prisons in the United States
Solitary confinement in England & Wales
Solitary confinement in the Netherlands
Solitary confinement in New Zealand
Istanbul Statement on solitary confinement
Monitoring Solitary Confinement
UN Nelson Mandela Rules
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Mapping Solitary Confinement: Key Findings Report

To help explore how solitary confinement is used in different countries around the world, we designed a questionnaire and distributed it to academics, National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs) and other oversight bodies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and prison authorities across the globe.
This report presents key findings from 57 ‘country reports’ from 42 jurisdictions, submitted by in-country experts.
All country reports are available here.
Work on the report was kindly supported by the Association for the Prevention of Torture.